
Christ's Identity and Attributes in Three Stages


Christ's Identity and Attributes in Three Stages


John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and reality. And we have beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten from the Father.

John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known.

Luke 1:35 The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore, that holy thing to be born will be called the Son of God.”

Acts 13:33 God has fully fulfilled this to us, his children, in that he raised up Jesus, just as it is written in the second Psalm: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Hebrews 1:6 Furthermore, when God brings his firstborn Son into the world again, he says, Let all the angels of God worship him.

Ro 8:29 For those whom God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.



Before Incarnation

After Incarnation

In Resurrection


The Only Begotten Son of God

God-man (Son of God incarnated)

The Firstborn Son of God


Divine nature only

- Divine nature (veiled in flesh)

- Added human nature (unrelated to divinity)

- Divine nature

- Resurrected, transformed, uplifted, glorified human nature


Eternally the Son of God

Word became flesh for redemption

Designated as the Son of God with glorified humanity


Originally possessed complete divinity

Needed human nature for redemption

- Needed to uplift and sanctify humanity

- Enable believers to be regenerated in His resurrection life

Relationship with Other Stages

- Preparation for incarnation

- Divine foundation for later stages

- Reveals God's original intention


- John 17:5 "before the world was"

- John 1:18 "No one has seen God"

- John 3:16 "only begotten Son"

- Inherits previous divine nature

- Prepares humanity for resurrection

- Initiates redemption process


- John 1:14 "became flesh"

- Luke 1:35 "born of you"

- Rom 8:3 "likeness of sinful flesh"

- Fulfills purpose of previous stages

- Brings humanity into divine glory

- Produces many sons


- Acts 13:33 "today I have begotten you"

- Rom 8:29 "firstborn"

- 1 Pet 1:3 "born again"

Stage Characteristics

- Pure divinity

- Eternal sonship


- John 17:5 "glory"

- John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word"

- Divinity hidden in humanity

- Acquired complete humanity


- Phil 2:7 "form of man"

- Heb 2:14 "shared in flesh and blood"

- Perfect union of divine and human natures

- Glorified humanity


- Rom 1:3-4 "designated... according to Spirit"

- Luke 24:26 "enter into His glory"

Significance for Believers

- Establishes divine origin


- John 1:18 "made Him known"

- John 3:16 "whoever believes... eternal life"

- Becomes foundation of redemption


- Heb 2:14-15 "through death... deliver"

- Rom 8:3 "condemned sin"

- Enables believers' regeneration

- Conforms to Firstborn's image


- 1 Pet 1:3 "through resurrection"

- Rom 8:29 "conformed to image"


Overall Relationship of Three Stages

1.      Continuous Development

o   From eternal divinity Added humanityGlorified humanity

o   Scripture: Phil 2:6-11 "emptied Himself... name above every name"

2.      Complete Redemption Process

o   Divine foundationRedemption accomplishmentRegeneration realization

o   Scripture: Heb 2:10 "bringing many sons to glory"

3.      Full Identity Manifestation

o   Only Begotten SonGod-manFirstborn among many brothers

o   Scripture: Rom 8:29-30 "predestined... also glorified"

4.      Life Flow and Multiplication

o   Divine lifeRedemptive lifeResurrection life

o   Scripture: John 12:24 "grain of wheat... bears much fruit"


*Please refer to the July 2024 Anaheim, California, USA training Experiencing, Enjoying and Manifesting Christ (II) Week 13 David’s descendants become the sons of God

