從 聖經 看 '基督為三重的後裔
VS 基督是三重的分賜' |
創3:15 我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇,你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇;女人的後裔要傷你的頭,你要傷他的腳跟。
"Brother Watchman Nee once said, 'The Bible is our unique standard. If it is the pure teaching of the Bible, we will not be afraid to preach it even if people oppose it; if it is not the teaching of the Bible, we dare not agree with it even if everyone approves.' This simple statement fully expresses the importance of the Bible to us as Christians."
從 聖經 看 '基督為三重的後裔
VS 基督是三重的分賜' |
創3:15 我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇,你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇;女人的後裔要傷你的頭,你要傷他的腳跟。